Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is Mexico Have a Better Health Care Alternative

Plastic surgery in Mexico is getting a bit more organized. Due to the demand for lower plastic surgery cost and consumers still demanding savings for medical care, affordable plastic surgery in Mexico is again on the hype.

Two weeks ago, Grupo Angeles, the parent company of Mexico's largest private hospital group, Hospital Angeles, signed a contract with Health Travel Guides (HTG) to provide the technology infrastructure for managing its medical tourism operations. Another leading medical tourism agency, GoSculptura, now provides excellent but affordable plastic surgery packages in Mexico. GoSculptura now includes Mexico in its network of medical vacation destination and now has more than 500 satisfied patients and a 97% satisfaction rate. Other agencies such as Healthbase also chose the country to be part of its health care network and provide U.S. patients satisfactory plastic surgery in Mexico.

The overwhelming plastic surgery cost and the long wait to get medical treatment are two of the top reasons why American patients travel to other countries to receive medical and dental work. Whether a good new hip and a nice new face, you might have to dig deep into your wallet or wait several months before receiving the medical or dental care that you require. In 2006, more than 50,000 Americans go abroad to acquire affordable plastic surgery and dental work. According to the National Coalition on Health Care, year by year millions of patients from all places go to Mexico, Argentina, India, Dominican Republic, Brazil and Costa Rica. The reason - to evade the trauma of plastic surgery cost, to acquire affordable plastic surgery with less time to wait and experience inclusive vacation package and recuperation activities. These countries are top notch medical destination places where health care, medical facilities and surgeons are comparable and may exceed the quality of health care of the U.S.

As of now plastic surgery in Mexico is at the height of fame, thanks to medical tourism agencies. Mexico offers the same medical care quality as the U.S. but goes out with rock-bottom plastic surgery cost. Although the medical care in Mexico may not be as inexpensive as the ones in some Asian nations, the proximity to the U.S. is a big advantage to patients. Some U.S. companies are now sending employees to Mexico for their annual checkups. Some expert also find Mexico as a definite answer to treat the aging and under-insured Americans at a time when the retirement of baby boomers will further tax the U.S. health care system. An estimated 43 million Americans, about 15 percent of the population, are uninsured, according to a Census Bureau study.

The growth of medical tourism in Mexico and how the country will mature in terms of health care will determine the future of most American patients. According to Peter Maddox, Christus Health senior vice president for business, strategy and corporate development, "Our country will go broke unless we find a health care alternative". He sees Mexico as a wonderful alternative with incredible potential.

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Minimizing Cosmetic Surgery Abroad Risk

If you are considering going under the knife, you should be under no illusions about the risks involved. Even the most minor of operations can have complications or have things go wrong. Even in countries with strong regulation, there are cases of incompetent doctors being struck off after botching cosmetic surgery procedures and so if problems happen abroad in a country where English is not widely spoken, your cosmetic surgery experience could rapidly turn into a nightmare.

The biggest complaint of cosmetic surgery is that the end result is not what the patient had envisaged. Many people will also experience scarring, wrinkled or puckered skin, or oddly shaped body parts. In some extreme cases, further surgery may be required to correct defects which happen due to the original surgery. These complications may mean you need to spend more money, and this is something which can be difficult to arrange aboard.

Many people are opting to go abroad for their plastic surgery – not only do they get a holiday, they are away from their friends and family so they cannot see what they have had done, and the costs are often far cheaper than in their home country. However, in many places that are rapidly becoming medical tourist hotspots, the cosmetic surgery industry is not well regulated.

So, if you are planning on becoming a medical tourist, what is the best way to go about it? Generally speaking, countries at the more expensive end of the scale (UK, US, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Spain etc) will be well-regulated and there will be less chance of having a poor surgeon. As you start to go towards the cheaper end of the scale, more caution is needed.'s top tips are:

1. Rely on word of mouth and make sure the recommendations are impartial. Do not be fooled by sleek advertising – do your research thoroughly. Adverts can be incredibly misleading.
2. Never look for surgery on price alone. If something looks much cheaper than anywhere else, steer well clear. Check what is included in the price – some prices may be for surgery alone and not take post-operative expenses into account. You don’t want to be hit with a surprise bill during your recovery!
3. Check that your prospective surgeon is qualified and certified. Try and establish the credentials of the board that issued his certificates.
4. Ensure your prospective surgeon speaks good English, or has a good translator on hand – you will want to know exactly what will happen to you, and the surgeon should be able to answer all your questions
5. Insist on a face-to-face consultation with the surgeon before agreeing to any procedure. This will help make sure you have full faith in the surgeon before he operates – if you have any doubts, do not go ahead with surgery
6. Check what post-operative care is available. Check how often the surgeon will see you and if you will require any check-ups in the future. Ask what happens if you experience any complications once you get home. Ask if you need to return for further operations whether the surgeon will do them free of charge.

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Cut Prices of Plastic Surgery With Medical Tourism

In those times of economic downturn we all are thinking in reducing our expenses, lowering down our phone, utilities and other bills, even stopping from buying things like clothes or that car accessory we like, and also many people who had programmed or at least though about getting plastic surgery just got to wait until things get better, or don't?.

Medical tourism have been there long enough helping people with low incomes to get breast augmentation or a liposuction in countries like Thailand, Brazil or Colombia and even without needing to book with a plastic surgery financing company due to the extremely low prices that you can get if you decide to go for that procedure out of your country.

But you may be wondering why everybody is talking about medical tourism and exotic locations like those countries? well the answer is simple and I will put it on numbers, while getting breast implants in the USA could cost about $4,000 dollars sometimes even without the hospital fee or anesthesiologist fee, you can take that same amount and travel to Colombia, get the implants and stay the recovery time having a small vacation, YES IT IS TRUE, but don't think that the implants are low quality ones, or the doctor have no expertise at all, they are the same than in the US (the implants) and the doctor is trained in the US and Europe.

You should be thinking that I'm crazy, it is impossible to be that amount with travel expenses, the implants and the vacations, well probably not, it may be about $1,000 more but hey! let's say the true, you think you can have all of that for just $5000 in the USA? the answer is a big NO, $4,000 is only the implants and maybe the surgeon fee then you need to add the anesthesiologist fee the hospital fee, etc. If you go and ask your doctor you may be atonish by the amounts you will get adding up all of the expenses needed to overcome your procedure.

Another thing to be aware of is that many insurance companies today can help with your medical tourism adventure !!, why don't you ask if your insurance company will pay for some of the expenses of getting plastic surgery or any other medical procedure out of your country? you will be surprised that probably they will be willing to pay some of the fees. But what if you are part of the 40 million americans that does not have insurance? well we get to the second paragraph of this article, medical tourism has helped many low income americans for many years and you are not the only one who have ever think about this solution.

You are probably now shocked because of this and again you are not the only one, and even more in those days of recession more and more people are starting to seek for low cost plastic surgeries and medical tourism is starting to emerge again as it did some years ago but the difference is that now there are a lot more people who have been using this trend and there are many more resources out there to help you to get more information about planning some vacations that includes plastic surgery.

If you want to know all the insights of how you can benefit from this trend I suggest you to read my book: "Step by Step guide to Cosmetic Tourism" there you will find all the information you need to plan your medical tourism trip, choose a destination, find the right medical tourism operations, things to do before, during and after the trip, etc. It is a really helpful information guide that will guide you through the process of planning a successful trip to a destination where you can get a sun tan, breast implants and liposuction.

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